In love He predestined us to be adopted through Jesus Christ for Himself, according to His favor and will. Ephesians 1:4-5 HCSB Every day of our lives - indeed, every moment of our lives - we are embraced by God. He is always with us, and His love for us is deeper and more profound than we can imagine.
Gloria Gaither observed,"Being loved by Him whose opinion matters most gives us the security to risk loving, too - even loving ourselves." Lisa Whelchel had this advice: "Believing that you are loved will set you free to be who God created you to be. So rest in His love and just be yourself." Let those words serve as a powerful reminder: you are a marvelous, glorious being, created by a loving God Who wants you to become - completely and without reservation - the person He created you to be.
Peace, peace to you, and peace to him who helps you, for your God helps you. - 1 Chronicles 12:18 HCSB Through His Son, God offers a "peace that passes all understanding," but He does not force His peace upon us. God's peace is a blessing that we, as children of a loving Father, must claim for ourselves... but sometimes we are slow to do so. Why? Because we are fallible human beings with limited understanding and limited faith.
Have you found the lasting peace that can be yours through Jesus, or are you still rushing after the illusion of "peace and happiness" that the world promises but cannot deliver? Today, as a gift to yourself, to your family, and to your friends, claim the inner peace that is your spiritual birthright: the peace of Jesus Christ. Where the soul is full of peace and joy, outward surroundings and circumstances are of comparatively little account. The sensible see danger and take cover; the foolish keep going and are punished. There is no doubt. Your world is changing constantly. So today's question is this: How will you manage all those changes? Will you do your best and trust God with the rest, or will you spend fruitless hours worrying about things you can't control, while doing precious little else? The answer to these simple questions will help determine the direction and quality of your life.
The best way to confront change is head on... and with God by your side. The same God who created the universe will protect you if you ask Him, so ask Him - and then serve Him with willing hands and a trusting heart. When you do, you may rest assured that while the world changes moment by moment, God's love endures - unfathomable and unchanging - forever. |
UPC Blog
May 2018
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